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Title: Fuel poverty, household income and energy spending: an empirical analysis for Australia using HILDA data
Other Titles: Fuel poverty, household income and energy spending : an empirical analysis for Australia using HILDA data
Authors: Azpitarte, Francisco
Johnson, Victoria
Sullivan, Damian
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Brotherhood of St Laurence
Abstract: As energy prices in Australia have risen, so has concern about the impact on people’s wellbeing. This Brotherhood of St Laurence study considers how to define and measure the extent of fuel poverty in Australia, comparing results based on income and energy expenditure with results based on households’ self-reported ability to heat their homes or pay their energy bills on time. The study, which uses HILDA data, also examines how households’ fuel expenditure is related to their socioeconomic status, as measured by two indicators: household disposable income and a multidimensional measure of social exclusion. The research was supported by funding from the Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre.
Appears in Collections:Research Reports

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